- Halacha
- Idols and Idolatry
According to halacha, is one allowed to wear a jing jang necklace or is it prohibited?
The symbol today simply represents uniting the opposites, which is a very Jewish concept, and is not meant to have any idol worshiping connotations. Accordingly, it's allowed.

Bowing to a ruler
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 6 Tevet 5766

Messianic sect
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | Tevet 24, 5769

discomfort towards images of idolatry
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 5, 5776

Art & Avodah Zarah/Taliban statues
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 26 Adar I 5763

Genesis 24: 2-9 – Put your hand under my thigh
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Tevet 26, 5770

Why against the state - significance of statehood
Rabbi Moshe Kaplan | 6 Iyyar 5764

Meaning of the name "Yaakov"
Rabbi Berel Wein | 2 Kislev 5763

Is Induction Cooktop good for Pessach?
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Cheshvan 11, 5770

Gentile inferiority due to genetics.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 6, 5785

Shalosh Shavuot - the Satmar opinion
Rabbi Ari Shvat |

wigs or sheitels - How can Religious Jewish Women wear them?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 18, 5785