- Torah and Jewish Thought
- General Questions
I presumed to believe angels have no free will and only do the will of G-d as in the book of Job. However, this “prince of persia” seems to be an angel in rebellion of G-d. Is this a rebellious angel acting on free will or is this chapter referencing Balshazzar? Thank you
Neither, it is the angel of Persia (each nation is assigned an angel by God) doing the mission he was sent to do.

Follow up-timing and prayers
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Tishrei 29, 5784
When did Saul meet David?
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Av 22, 5782

Torah Study and Prayer By Bnai Noah/gentiles
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Kislev 7, 5774

Kriyat shema
Rabbi David Sperling | Shevat 19, 5780

Mikvah for unmarried women
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 16 Tevet 5766

Kashrut of a corelle plate
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 6 Tevet 5766

Pregnant Women and Kashrut
Various Rabbis | 13 Tevet 5764