What organization can help Jews relocate too a place in israel where they are safe and help them get rifle bullets out of their bodies?
I got hit in the attacks in the 90s before the persian gulf and in the obama era.
They cliped me when I was little
I took a small high speed bullet too the head which jumped down my back choping too the side and settling under my pelvis,When I was older I got hit in the knee and the shen..the 5.56mm which hit my shen bounced up and lodged in my pelvis.
I would like too have a job and better mobility..in the united states they loose synagogues too other tribes for schemes,
I do not imagine it is any better in Israel..like when the Hittites built their temple there.
I would like too live in an area where residential areas are protected from other tribes..and preferably a nation which prosecutes chemical weapons attacks MK .ultra and intermarriage.
In america and israel it apears jews are just being killed and replaced..with chinese germans, hitties, ian, druis..the anunaki..etc
I do not know what it is like too not live in paralyzing fear.
I would like much help..
We do not answer these types of questions.
All the best.

Prayer in Reform and Conservative Shuls
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 30 Nisan 5763

Kashering pots and utenstils
Rabbi David Sperling | Elul 24, 5771

Status of Pareve Food cooked in a meat pot
Rabbi David Sperling | Tevet 3, 5775

Prayer in Reform and Conservative Shuls
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 30 Nisan 5763

Being like God
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 2, 5785

Bar Mitzva for adult who missed it
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 6, 5785
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Tevet 25, 5785