what restrictions are there between husband and wife concerning touching when one of them is in aninus or aveilus? (looked in sefer pnei baruch and couldnt find anything)
It is actually discussed in the Hebrew edition of Pnei Baruch in Chapter 15:6 and also on pg. 22.
The Shulchan Aruch 383:1,5 says that marital relations are forbidden during Aninut and Avelut , and the Rema adds that kissing and hugging are also forbidden. However other fashions of nearness are permitted even having the spouse even washing of the face hands and feet. This would mean a simple touching of the wife, not of fondness such as placing something in her hand are not forbidden. (See Pnei Baruch Chapter 15:6 note 19, מעולם ועד עולם pg. 159 , )
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חג שמח

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