We made a mistake of putting a non-certified flavored coffee in our drip coffeemaker. We threw out the coffee, but were hoping that the coffeemaker was still okay to use in the future. I’m not sure what all the relevant factors are to figure it out.
Though I am not personally acquainted with the technical workings of a coffee machine, I researched the question and came up with the following (based on the O-U website). A coffee machine may be koshered after having been used for uncertified coffee, by leaving it for 24 hours and then running a cycle of just water through the system. The machine will kosher itself when it boils up the water.

Nails clipping and pregnancy
Rabbi David Sperling | Cheshvan 5, 5781

Can you have any objects in your coffin at burial?
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Iyyar 11, 5772

Can you have any objects in your coffin at burial?
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Iyyar 11, 5772