- Family and Society
- Year of Mourning for Parents
Dear Rabbi,
Is it permissible to have elective surgery during the year of avelut?
It is permissible to have elective surgery during the year of avelut. (See Mourning in Halacha pg.200). However, there is a discussion about cosmetic surgery in general in Halacha. Some Rabbis forbid it because a person is self- inflicting a wound on his body, while others permit it under certain circumstances, such as certain conditions which cause anguish or shame to a person.
All the best

Death of Parent Prior to Rosh Hashanah
Various Rabbis | 26 Elul 5763

Mourning period for parent
Various Rabbis | 2 Elul 5767

Davening for amud
Rabbi David Sperling | Tammuz 25, 5775

Vacation During 1 Year of Mourning for Parent
Rabbi Eliezer S. Weisz | 2 Nisan 5764

Meaning of the name "Yaakov"
Rabbi Berel Wein | 2 Kislev 5763

Tallit Stripes
Rabbi David Sperling | Av 30, 5776

Feeding Animals on Passover
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 30 Nisan 5765