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First we should know that in Tanach a person’s name is an important detail, which can teach about him. Many of the characters in Tanach have more than one name, and when a name is used for a person without knowledge of when he received it, we cannot be sure that it was the one his parents gave him when he was born or whether he received it later based on his actions. There are also sources that indicate that the name given by his parents is a sort of prophecy that enters their consciousness. We do not intend to say anything conclusive on that point. In any case, Chazal interpreted the two wicked people’s names as follows: Datan – he who violated the dat (religion) of Hashem; Aviram – he who strengthened himself to avoid repentance (Sanhedrin 109b).
We will explore another approach to the names, based on Ibn Ezra and the Chizkuni. The Torah stresses that Datan and Aviram were the sons of Eliav who was the son of Reuven, Yaakov’s eldest son (Devarim 11:6). The Ibn Ezra explains that Datan and Aviram’s rebellion had to do with the fact that Reuven’s status as firstborn was taken away and given to Yosef. In that case, the name Datan can be connected to the meaning of dat as law. In other words, Datan was proclaiming: "I should be the one making the rules." Aviram can imply "My father is great" or "father of the great one." In other words, "I am in the midst of a monarchal dynasty." This was the intention of their father Eliav – leadership should be in their family. The Midrash (Shemot Rabba, Shemot 5) derives from the overlapping use of the word nitzavim that Datan and Aviram were prominently included among the Jewish officers who confronted Moshe and Aharon after the mission to achieve liberation from Egypt got off to a slow start.
Let us look at a similar name phenomenon. One of the early attempts at creating a kingdom in Israel took place at the time of Gidon and his descendants as we see from the famous parable of trees trying to decide on a leader (Shoftim 9:8). Gidon refused the mantle of kingdom, but his son stopped at nothing to declare himself king. When Gidon died, his son Avimelech slaughtered all of his seventy siblings (ibid. 5). His name, meaning "my father is king" and "father of the king," represents what he was claiming to be – a legitimate continuation of his father’s potential rule and the beginning of a formal dynasty that would continue on into the future.
Both Aviram and Avimelech forgot a basic rule: one receives kingdom; he does not grab kingdom. Certainly one must not seize it by fighting with Moshe or killing his siblings.
Let us hope that decisions regarding leadership in the Jewish Nation, in the State of Israel, will be taken by seeing what the nation wants, which is done these days at the ballot box, and not in another way.

You Always Need to Pray
Rabbi Yossef Carmel

Parashat Hashavua: “With a Strong Hand He Will Expel Them from His Land
Harav Shaul Yisraeli – from Siach Shaul, p. 205-6
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Tevet 5785

Parashat Hashavua: The Ten Commandments – A Blueprint for World Justice
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Giving More Than You Have?
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | 20 Cheshvan 5767

The Firing of a Teacher
part I
Various Rabbis | 5772

Firstfruits of the Wheat Harvest
Rabbi Adin Even-Yisrael (Steinsaltz) | 5764

seudat hodaya
Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5772

Morning Prayer Times
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5764
Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 85
R' Eli Stefansky | 12 Adar 5785

Orchot Tzaddikim class 53, "Remembering" part iii
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Public Response to Zealous Defense of Rav Kook – #308
Date and Place: 15 Sivan 5670 (1910), Yafo
Beit Din Eretz Hemda - Gazit | Adar 5785