Ask The Rabbi
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In what language should prayers be said?
Why should the world end at 6,000 years?
The Gemara mentions the world will exist for 6000 years. What is the hashkafic reason to only have a finite world? -
Killing bugs on Shabbat
is it permitted to kill or get rid of bugs on Shabbat for health and bothering reasons? -
Showering with Jewish music
Am I allowed to have to listen to Jewish music while I'm showering, or should I shut it off? -
Should I believe my dreams?
What is the importance or significance of dreams? Should I try to interpret them? -
Why do I need to wait six hours?
Somebody Cooks together potatoes and meat, and eats only the potatoes. Why does he need to wait six hours? -
Is one allowed to get a Ephemeral Tattoo?
Is it permitted or forbidden to do some kinds of temporary tattoos and why
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