Jewish Holidays
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Eruv Tavshillin
What is the reason that many people use a hard-boiled egg for eruv tavshillin? In what way is the halacha of eruv tavshillin different on Shavuos and Shevi’i shel Pesach from other Yomim Tovim? -
Mistakes in Kiddush of Yom Tov that Falls on Shabbat
I sometimes get confused in the Kiddush of Yom Tov that falls on Shabbat. What does one do if he did not say all of the correct elements? -
Avraham’s Mistake
Many have discussed the nature of Avraham’s sin of asking, “How will I know [my progeny will inherit the Land]”? Avraham speculated whether his children would succeed in handling the gift of the Land in a way that they would live an independent national life in it. -
It's Coming Soon: the Great & Awesome Day of Reckoning
As a nation, we have always maintained the highest moral code. Even under the greatest duress, when we have been discriminated against & treated cruelly, we did not respond in kind. -
Folded Over Matza
I have heard that it is a problem if part of a matza is folded over (matza kefula). How much of a problem is this, and what do I do about it?
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