Jewish Holidays
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1. Lag Ba-omer
It is customary to rejoice somewhat on Lag Ba-omer. Even though we observe some customs of mourning during the omer period, nevertheless, one may sing and dance on Lag Ba-omer. -
14. Yom Ha-Sho’a: Holocaust Remembrance Day
Unlike Yom Ha-zikaron, to which the Chief Rabbinate consented, the Torah sages at the time objected to the establishment of this Remembrance Day (commonly known as Yom Ha-Sho’a) on the 27th of Nisan. -
13. The Siren and Moments of Silence on Yom Ha-zikaron
The Knesset decided that “Two minutes of silence will be observed throughout the entire country, during which all work and travel will cease.” -
12. Yom Ha-zikaron: A Day of Remembrance for Israel’s Fallen Soldiers
From a halakhic standpoint, there is no need to institute a general memorial day for the holy soldiers who were killed in battle. -
11. Shaving, Haircuts, Weddings, and Tahanun
Do the customs of mourning that we observe during the omer period apply to Yom Ha-atzma’ut? Responses to this question have varied greatly. -
10. Yom Yerushalayim
All the holy places in Judea and Samaria – most significantly the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount – were liberated, along with the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan. -
9. Celebrating Yom Ha-atzma’ut on a Different Date
When Yom Ha-atzma’ut falls out on a Friday or Shabbat, there is good reason for concern that the celebrations and ceremonies will cause public desecration of Shabbat. -
8. She-hecheyanu and Hallel at Night
Some maintain that the salvation of Yom Ha-atzma’ut is similar to that of the Exodus from Egypt, and thus we must recite Hallel at night. -
7. Reciting a Berakha on Hallel
Some say that even though we thank God on Yom Ha-atzma’ut, we should not recite Hallel with a berakha. -
6. Reciting Hallel
It is a mitzva to recite Hallel on special occasions, in order to thank and praise God for the miracles He performs on our behalf.
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