Jewish Holidays

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Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays in
  • "Bring us back in whole-hearted repentance before You”
    There are those who wonder how we can ask God to return us in Teshuva (repentance). After all, Teshuva is our job. I heard once from Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, that every Teshuva contains an aspect of man and an aspect of the Blessed Creator, Who sends man an awakening to repentance.
  • Children Hearing Shofar Blowing
    Must children hear shofar blowing, at what age, when, and how many?
  • Was It Worth Creating The World For Me?
    Rosh Hashana is the anniversary of the creation of the first man. It's also the day on which God judges the whole world. What is the connection between the two?
  • Checking the Simanim for Rosh Hashana
    The right way one should check the Simanim for Rosh Hashana according to Bedikas Hamazon.
  • The Reason For Symbolic Foods
    Beyond their taste, eating symbolic foods such as apples, pomegranates, carrots, and beets on Rosh Hashana have a special meaning.
  • The Art of Listening
    Every Jewish holiday has a representative color. Each Yom Tov also connects to one of the senses. What sense connects to Rosh Hashana?
  • 3. The Formula for Counting the Omer
    Before counting the omer, one recites the following berakha: “Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His mitzvot and commanded us concerning the counting of the omer” Both the berakha and the count are optimally recited while standing, but if one recited them while seated, he has nonetheless fulfilled his obligation .
  • 2. The Process of Ascension from Nationalism to Spirituality
    By counting the omer, we draw a line that ascends continuously from Pesaĥ to Shavu’ot. The festival of Pesaĥ represents Israel’s national aspect: the Exodus revealed Israel’s uniqueness, in that God chose us from among all the other nations despite the fact that we were mired in 49 levels of impurity.
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