Jewish Holidays
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The Pain and the Pride
Israel is a roller-coaster, a thrill ride; We are currently in the "sandwich," in the segment between the twin triumphs of our glorious redemption from Egypt, and "Exodus 1948," when we re-established ourselves as a sovereign country. -
R-e-s-p-e-c-t, Find Out What It Means to You
Two ideas permeate our nightly enumeration: 1) The linking up of Pesach & Shavuot & 2) The semi-mourning practices associated with this time of the year, due to the deaths of the students of Rabbi Akiva. Is there a connection? -
5 Reasons for Eating Matzot During Pesach
Every Jew thinks that he/she knows why we eat Matzot during Pesach. The enclosed article will shatter most people’s beliefs and thinking… -
Shhh… It's a Secret (for Now)!
[There is a] very profound story [that] alludes to a unique aspect of Shivi'i shel Pesah - an aspect that is central and fundamental to the entire process of the Final Redemption. Is concerns the Chabad tradition that the Besht instituted an afternoon meal on this last of Passover, known as the Seudat Mashiah [Feast of the Messiah]...
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