Jewish Holidays

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Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays in
  • How to Understand Murdering Amalek & Other Mitzvot which Seem "Immoral"?
    Every moral & thinking Jew has asked questions about certain mitzvot which don't seem to "jive" with the morality of God & the Torah itself! Rav Kook, as usual, bravely deals with these issues, & explains that "eternity" means that the Torah also had to be relevant to the primitive world in which it was given 3,300 yrs. ago. He differentiates between some actions, like slavery & bigamy, that had to be "allowed" temporarily in the ancient reality, but were never obligated. Nevertheless, 2 obligations (!) which seem "immoral" are regarding Amalek (killing & remembering-Zachor), & conquering the Land of Israel. But upon a closer look, they aren't immoral at all! When we lack prophets & Sanhedrin, the God Who runs History solves many problems!
  • Why Is Purim Filled With So Many "Mems?"
    t can't be coincidence that all the Mitzvot of Purim start with a Mem: Megila (reading); Mishloach Manot (that's a double!); Matanot L'evyonim; Mishteh (the Purim Seuda) and Machatzit Ha-Shekel (giving 1/2 shekels in remembrance of the gifts to the Bet HaMikdash). What is going on here?
  • Bottled Up
    Yair give Avi Champagne by mistake on Purim. Does Avi have to compensate Yair for the bottle of champagne?
  • Happy Birthday
    When we are little, nothing excites us more than that long awaited birthday. As we et older, that blissful excitement quietly dwindles.But this is not how we should see such a joyous day!
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