parshat Beha'alotcha
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God, the Creator of the Universe, is the Source of Light. Why would He need the light of the Menorah?
The role of trumpets and prayer
The relation between the role of the trumpets, which were used in times of need and the role of prayer, according to the Rambam. -
Seeing is believing
The solution for complaining is to re-order our eyes. To direct our focus on the cup half-full which Hashem pours for us each morning. -
Focus at the center
The commandment that the six outside lamps should all face into the center lamp teach us where to focus our attention. -
The High Priest and the Menora
The process and commandment of lighting the menorah served as a constant reminder to the High Priest of the important role that he was to always play in the furtherance of Torah and holiness in Jewish society.
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