parshat Kedoshim
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Our Obligation to Be Good
One question which has challenged Judaism throughout the ages is why do we need so many commandments to fulfill our obligation to be good, kind, and faithful? -
To be a Free Nation in Our Land – Part II
Becoming holy means putting up fences, which ostensibly makes someone less free. While the Torah writes that “Hashem descended onto Har Sinai,” that was only 10 handbreadths above the mountain -
Striking a Balance
A Shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly portion "Acharei Mot- Kedoshim". -
Many Torot Have Been Emanating from Jerusalem
We have discussed in the past that we should thank Hashem that the State of Israel is today a Torah powerhouse beyond that which existed in any generation. The number of Torah learners is greater than it ever was, the number of hours of Torah study exceeds what ever existed, and the level of learning is higher than anywhere else in the world. The main reason for all of these is the State of Israel.
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