parshat Lech Lecha
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Avraham feared that the nation of Israel would sin and thereby lose the Land of Israel, so he asked, "Whereby shall I know?" How can I know that the Nation of Israel will merit having the land of Israel?
The War of the Kings and its Significance
This week’s Torah portion describes at great length the war between the four and five kings, detailing their names and lands. Yet, what is so important about this particular battle that caused the Torah to describe it in such detail? -
A Just War…Just for Avram
In the eyes of Chazal, Avram’s activities in this battle receive mixed reviews; Avram’s concern for his relatively righteous and innocent relative was legitimate and even laudable; Before the student soldiers were recruited, they are called chanichav (his disciples). During the battle they are called “avadav” (his slaves). -
Parshat Lekh Lekha
From the moment that Abraham discovers that there is one Creator who created one harmonious world, in which there exists no contradiction between body and soul, he tries to pass on this message to others in any way possible.