parshat Nitzavim
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Understanding the principle of mutual responsibility and what it's laws say about the importance of the Land of Israel to the existence of the Jewish nation.
Connecting Teshuva & the Final Redemption
Rav Yaakov Moshe Harlop, a venerated student of Rav Kook and one of the heads of Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav after his teacher's death, often spoke of the contemporary phenomenon of baalei teshuvah, returnees to Torah observance. The problem was that this was far from a widespread trend at the time – 80 years ago, give or take – and his students wondered what he was referring to. On the contrary, it seemed that society in the Land of Israel was deteriorating towards secularism... -
Accepting Hashem’s Kingdom
Chazal set a role for all of the special days. We should clarify to what extent the days fulfill their roles, including their special place within the year. -
Teshuva Is the Answer
This last Sedra of the year, Nitzavim, seems perfect as a precursor to Rosh Hashana. The sedra reiterates the bond & covenant we have with the Eternal.
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