parshat Toldot
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The weekly lesson of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
A Layman's Guide to Marriage
I was told that I should not include quotations from pesukim on my daughter’s wedding invitation. Yet, I see that ‘everyone’ does! Could you please explain the halacha? "I wish someone could walk me through all the halachic steps that we need in planning our daughter's wedding. I am afraid I'll forget to take care of something. -
More Than Meets the Eye
A Shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading of "Toldot". -
Communication Matters
A Shuir by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ZT"L for the weekly Torah reading of "Toldot". -
The Shared Power of Circumcision & The Land
A 5-minute video connecting the Parsha with the land of Israel.
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