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Sukkot in
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    The Laws of the Succah
    What conditions must be fulfilled in order for the roof of a Succah to be Kosher? Is one permitted to sleep in a bunkbed in the Succah? Is there a problem wearing a large hat in the Succah?
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    Undercover Mitzva
    Yossi has rented an apartment with a sukkah in Jerusalem for the Chag. Does he need to pay for it even though...
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    Are all Sukkah walls Kosher?
    Why do prefab Sukkos come with straps? May a pergola or trellis be used to hold the schach? Can we rely on a restaurant's sukkah?
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    Thoughts on Sukkot
    Sukkot is a time for Jewish unity and, in the future, for all nations of the world to come to Zion.
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    How to choose a Lulav?
    The laws of the Lulav. What makes a Lulav Kosher, and how to check it?
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    The Days Between Yom Kippur and Succoth
    The days between Yom Kippur and Succoth are directed towards preparing man for his return to the affairs of this world in a suitable and sacred manner.
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    Yom Kippur And Succot
    At first glance one may think that these two special days stand in stark contradistinction one from the other, and yet there is an underlying theme that binds them together.
  • The Time and Place for Netilat Lulav
    Is it better to do netilat lulav in the sukka before one goes to shul or during tefilla (before Hallel)?
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