The Jewish Household
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Our Sages teach: "The rich man is he who is content with his portion."
More on Chinuch
Question #1: His own Lulav? “Am I required to purchase for my son his own lulav?” Question #2: Three-year old Tzitzis? “At what age should my son start wearing tzitzis?” Question #3: Minor Kohanim “I know that one must be very careful that a kohen, even an infant, does not become contaminated with the tumah of a meis. Yet I rarely see a child under bar mitzvah duchen. Is this consistent?” Question #4: Kiruv Kohanim “We are in the process of being mekarev a fellow who is a kohen. He enjoys joining us for our family outings, and we love to visit museums. Could this present potential halachic issues?” -
Products Containing Minute Quantities of Non-Kosher Food
I want to use a homeopathic allergy medicine that contains some apis mellifica, which is trace quantities of crushed honeybee. Is this permitted? -
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