The Jewish Household

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Our Sages teach: "The rich man is he who is content with his portion."
  • At What Age Should One Marry in Our Times
    Torah studies and acquiring a profession take longer, so how does this affect the obligation to get married by a certain age? What about postponing having a family after marriage?
  • Did the Rabbis Invent a Prohibition?
    It is a mitzvah to marry by the age of twenty and no later than twenty-four Postponing pregnancy is similar to postponing circumcision to the ninth day.
  • Fasting and Feasting on a Yahrzeit
    “My father’s yahrzeit falls during the week of sheva brachos for my grandson. May I attend the sheva brachos?” "My yahrzeit falls on Shabbos this year. Do I fast on Friday or Sunday instead?" "I usually fast on my father’s yahrzeit, but someone is honoring me with sandaka’us on that day. Do I fast, and do I need to be matir neder in the event that it is permitted to eat?"
  • Is Swift the Way to Go?
    Should the bris be scheduled early, or later so more guests will come?
  • Making Dairy Bread
    “May I add dairy ingredients to bread that I intend to serve with a milchig meal on Shavuos?” “Is one permitted to eat the local bread when everyone knows it is milchig?”
  • The Laws of 'Brit Milah'
    This first commandment to the Jewish People symbolizes the history of the chosen nation - and much more.
  • Halakha on Abortion of Fetuses with Severe Abormalities
    A fetus is considered a living entity in regards to certain laws, but there is no penalty of death for taking its life. What do the rabbinical decisors say?
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