The Ninth of Av

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The Ninth of Av
The Ninth of Av in
  • The Transition From Shabbat Into Tisha B’Av
    Could you please explain how to handle the transition from Shabbat into Tisha B’Av (when it falls on Motzaei Shabbat) regarding se’uda shlishit, Havdala, and changing clothes?
  • Tisha B'Av, IBM, and the Nazis
    How were the Nazis able to carry out the Holocaust - something extremely complex - without a computer?
  • The People of the Moon
    Have you ever noticed that from the Earth, the Sun and the Moon look exactly the same size? Is it just a coincidence? Maybe there's a deeper meaning to this?
  • Tragedy in Miami
    When tragedy strikes, each one of us must make an accounting.
  • cc-by2.0 Susie Cagle.jpg
    Ninth of Av Thoughts
    Working on the Ninth of Av, The Gravity of the Day, Wearing Shoes on the Ninth of Av and The Exempt from Fasting.
  • שער הרחמים
    Halachos of the Days of Tisha B’Av
    In this shiur we will explain some of the halachos of Shabbos Chazon, the Seudah HaMafsekes eaten Erev Tisha B’Av, Tisha B’Av itself, and the day after Tisha B’Av.
  • shutterstock_98105633.jpg
    Today’s Ninth of Av
    For many generations we were unable to take practical steps toward hastening the redemption of Israel. We were in exile and simply could not change our plight. Today, God has removed foreign rule from the land and created a Jewish state in its stead.
  • jerusalem-1314895_1920.jpg
    The Four Fasts of the Destruction
    After the First Temple was destroyed, the Prophets instituted fasts marking the tragic events surrounding the Destruction and the ensuing exile of the Jewish People.
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