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Today, parents can fulfill the commandment of marrying off their children by providing them with a good education at prestigious schools, supporting them so that they be able to learn a profession.
Heaven and Earth
Our Rabbis teach us that when the couple stands under the chuppah, all their sins are forgotten. The custom to fast on the day preceding the wedding, and to recite the vidui (confession) prayer indicate the parallel between a wedding and Yom Kippur. In the mixing of the two cups of wine, that of Birkat Hamazon and that of the blessings for the couple, we see another parallel, this time to the sacrificial service of Yom Kippur. -
To Connect or Divide
Was Chava formed from Adam's rib, or was rather separated from his backside. What is the meaning of such a process? -
Sheva Brachos at the Seder
What happens when there is a Sheva Brachot at the Seder? On which cup do we say the Brachot? -
A Layman's Guide to some Halachic Aspects
What do I need to bring to a wedding? Who escorts the bride and groom down the isle? Finally, a short step by step birds eye view of the Jewish wedding.
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