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Saved By Shmitah
13 Hamas terrorists never expected that their plans to attack and kill Jews would be exposed & ruined by the mitzvah of Shmitah. Watch to find out how Hashem’s promise to bless those who keep the mitzvah unfolded near the Gaza border just seven years ago. -
A Shmittah Glossary
Most chutz la’aretz residents are not that familiar with the laws of shmittah that will affect those who live in Eretz Yisroel every day next year. Actually, the laws can and do affect people living in chutz la’aretz also. -
Buying Land for Shemitta
A group provides the opportunity to buy agricultural land in Israel for the Shemitta year. Is that worthwhile? -
Shmitta- A Concise Review Of All the Practical Laws For Your Kitchen and Yard
With our recent return to the Land of Israel, Shmitta has once again returned to the agenda of being a practical mitzva! The many laws & practical applications practiced every 7th year, as well as the many different approaches, can be confusing, especially for those of us who did not grow up in Israel. This "crash course" comes to remind the forgotten & simplify an entire year of additional mitzvot and halachot regarding almost everything that we will eat, in an easy & understandable way, focusing on the consumer's guide to how to buy and run a Shmitta-kosher kitchen, and what is or isn't allowed in our backyard & flower-pots. Please pass this link on to your friends who may be in need of this neatly-packaged summary & review. -
The Heter Mechirah Controversy
What is heter mechirah? Is this any different from selling one’s Chometz for Pesach? -
Air Conditioner Drain Pipe during Shemitta
In preparation for the upcoming Shemitta year, should I reroute my air conditioner drain pipe so that it does not drip in an area around vegetation?
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