- Family and Society
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- Kippa
Why do people wear black hats? What is the purpose? Isn’t a yarmalka good enough?
Wearing a kippa is good enough (see Iggrot Moshe Orach Chayyim I 1 and Yabiya Omer 6,Orach Chayyim 15).

Rebuking Friend off the derech?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Elul 18, 5772

the three oaths or vows and not making aliya
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 25, 5775

Why do Jews repeat tell Christian’s lies as truth?
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 4 Tevet 5763

What is the obligation of a Rabbi to be Right?
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 13 Nisan 5763

Meaning of the name "Yaakov"
Rabbi Berel Wein | 2 Kislev 5763

Meat at Purim Seudah on Friday
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 10, 5781

When does the Jewish day begin?
Rabbi David Sperling | Nisan 10, 5775

Nusach of the Ari Zal
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 19 Shevat 5764

wigs or sheitels - How can Religious Jewish Women wear them?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 18, 5785

Yiddish to Hebrew
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 1, 5785

Bar Mitzva for adult who missed it
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 6, 5785