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I wanted to know if I can use the Netilat Yadim water (after waking up and before eating bread) to water my garden . Meaning I will wash into a bucket and later take that water and water my garden. Since Israel is suffering from a drought and we are not allowed to water our gardens, I am trying to be as water responsible as I can be so is that OK.
Thank you
The SHulchan Aruch [OC 4:8] prohibits washing netilat yadaim after waking up onto the ground and requires to wash into a bucket as appose to on the ground, the reason for that is brought by the Bet Yosef from the Zohar to be an evil spirit [ruach ra'a] that are in the water, hence your suggestion appears to be problematic.
However the problem is only pouring the water on the ground where people walk, if you pour the water in a place no one walks on that is permissible [Yabia Omer 5 OC 2]

Ruach Ra in dried items?
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Adar 26, 5781

Washing Hands
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 29 Tevet 5764

Netilat Yadayim in a different room
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 11 Cheshvan 5763

netilat yadaim - followup question
Rabbi David Sperling | Kislev 20, 5780

Rabbi David Sperling | Elul 29, 5779

resistance and giving away the Land of Israel
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 6, 5772

The Kennedy Family
Rabbi Berel Wein | 16 Cheshvan 5763

Do non-Jews or non-Noahides go to heaven?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 7, 5779

Gentile inferiority due to genetics.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 6, 5785

Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Tevet 25, 5785

Re how does God do terrible things to people
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 26, 5785