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קטגוריה משנית
I got to mincha late, and it is during silent amidah. What is the proper procedure for Ashkenaz and Sephardi (if different)? - say ashrei and start amidah, if minyan reaches kdusha, stop praying and continue after kdusha, - say ashrei, wait for amidah repetition, say kdusha with the minyan, then start silent amidah, - say ashrei, wait for amidah repetition, say silent amidah with the chazan while answering during kdusha, continue silent amidah at own pace, - skip ashrei, start amidah, if complete silent amidah before chazan starts, take advantage of the time to say ashrei until chazan starts (or continue until end), - skip ashrei, start amidah, say ashrei after aleinu. Thanks in advance, Josh
Shavua tov Both according to Ashkenazi and Sefardi poskim, if one comes to Mincha late and Shmoneh Esres is being said, then he should start with Shmoneh Esreh to say it together with the minyan.(Mishna Brura 108:14, Kaf Hachaim 108 and 234) The question is if Ashrei should be said after Shmoneh Esreh. According to to the Magen Avraham followed by the Mishna Brura which guide the Askenazi custom, Ashrei may be said. (Magen Avraham 108: 5 and Mishna Brura 108:14, also Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 69 although the Magen Avraham points out the Zohar which says that Ashrei is not to be said.) However, Sfardi poskim (Kaf Hachaim 108:20, 234 and Ben Ish Chai Mishpatim) say that according to the Kabbala, Ashrei is not to be said. Rav Mordechai Eliyahu zt"l (on Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 69) also adopts that opinion, but he refers to the Kaf Hachaim (108:20) who quotes the Zohar that Asrei is not be said as an obligation. Meaning, if he reads as if reading other Tehillim it would be okay to say Ashrei. (See also Shulchan Aruch Harav 108: 5)
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