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My beloved bashert has long peyos. If I curl them with some texturizer and pins, they curl nicely and stay curled. However, he does not always have the time for me to go through this process. When my husband curls them, wet from the shower, he rapidly winds them from the bottom up towards his temple, holds each peyah for a minute then lets it go. This usually results in what I like to call Yaacov and Esav peyos. One is nicely curled and behaved and one is wild and untamed. I have searched the Internet for the proper care and maintenance of peyos to no avail. Would you please advise on this issue? You input is greatly appreciated.
Whilst appearances do certainly have a place in the Torah value system, neither I nor my rabbinic colleagues had hair styling as part of our rigorous Yeshiva studies. This being so, we are unable to help you.
May you and your family be blessed with only good.

Modern Sanhedrin
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 8 Tevet 5763

Pilegesh in the modern Era
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Shevat 29, 5778

Homosexual Acceptance in Society
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | Sivan 29, 5768

Finding the best Rabbi
Rabbi Berel Wein | 10 Shevat 5763

Nusach of the Ari Zal
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 19 Shevat 5764

Meat at Purim Seudah on Friday
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 10, 5781

Meaning of the name "Yaakov"
Rabbi Berel Wein | 2 Kislev 5763

Brushing teeth on minor fasts
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Tevet 17, 5775

Re how does God do terrible things to people
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 26, 5785

Gentile inferiority due to genetics.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 6, 5785

Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Tevet 25, 5785