Hi Rabbi,
Am I allowed to use maaser money to purchase a wig to cover my hair?
Thank you for your question. In general Maaser money should be used ideally for the poor. However, the standard practice is to also use it for all mitzvot. Thus, many people use their Maaser money to help support Yeshivot, and other Torah institutions, even though they are not for the poor, but rather for the mitzvah of Torah study.
Based on this, using Maaser money for the mitzvah of a married lady covering her hair would be allowed. However, using Maaser money for oneself is generally frowned upon. Unless there is no other way for a person to fulfill the mitzvah, one’s Maaser money should go towards others.
So, to summarize, unless it is an extreme situation, one should not use their Maaser money for themselves, even for doing their own mitzvot.

Kashering a Breadmaker
Various Rabbis | Shevat 29, 5768

Kashering a Breadmaker
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