- Torah and Jewish Thought
- Rabbi and his Students
As a follow-up ... to your 1st answer response regarding the "Eternity Question" ... specifically where does it state that the Children of God will spend eternity ... specifically "IN HEAVEN" with God??? Are there any scriptures that proves that it will be in "HEAVEN" or is that a Talmudic thought?
To summarize and clarify, there are three different ways and levels of being with
1. in this world, to act G-dly and merit connection, feeling or even speaking (prophecy) to G-d.
2. in the world of the souls (what you call: heaven, but it obviously is not the physical heaven), mentioned explicitly in the Bible, in the verse I cited from Kohelet (Ecclesiastes12, 7), that after death, "the dust (=physical body, see Breishit, Genesis 3, 19) returns to the earth as it was, and the soul/spirit returns to G-d, who gave it", where it continues to live on. Until:
3. The resurrection of the dead, for those who merit it (others will stay in the world of the souls or that spiritual “heaven”).
With Love of Israel,
Rav Ari Shvat

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