Ask the Rabbi

קטגוריה משנית
Dear Rabbi, I am a Bal Teshuva. Most of the time I am slower than others in my shul to finish Amidah. I appreciate if you can please help me to learn proper conduct by answering the following questions: 1) What should I do if Chazan starts the repetition of Amidah? Do I stop reading and follow him? Do I answer any amen? Do I ever go back to complete my prayer? 2) when chazan start Nakdisha, I havent token my 3 steps back, do I need to take 3 steps forward still? ty
Shalom U'vracha, Thank you for your question. 1. If you are in the middle of the Shemoneh Esrei, then you continue in your davening. When the chazan reaches Kedusha, you stop your davening and listen to the chazan. However, you do not say the actual words of the Kedusha since you are in the middle of your davening. After the Kedusha is completed, you continue in your own davening and don't stop to hear the rest of the repetition of amida (Shulchan Aruch 104:7). 2. If the chazan starts the Kedusha and you already said 'yeyehu leratzon' (which is right after the last beracha of 'sim shalom') then you do say the Kedusha (Shulchan Aruch 104;8, 122;122;1). See more at the end of this halahca: . All the best! All the best!
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