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  • Family and Society
  • Ma'asser - Tithing - To Who?
קטגוריה משנית
Can I give my maaser money to my parents if I live with them and therefore I will profit from it?
ב"ה Shalom The bigger question is if you may give your parents money from טםור “Ma’aser Kesafim “ money at all. The ruling of many great Rabbis is, that if your parents are in need, and you yourself cannot afford to assist them from your own assets but only form the Ma’aser money , then not only are you allowed to give them from the Ma’aser money but they have priority over other poor people. That which is says in the Talmud (Kiddushin 32a) ” May a curse come upon one who feed his father the poor man’s tithe…” DOES NOT apply in a case , when the child does not have enough to give the parents from his own assets. [See חתם סופר יורה דעה חלק ב סי' רכט, חפץ חיים אהבת חסד - חלק שני - פרק יט, ילקוט יוסף כיבוד אב ואם חלק א' עמ' רט"ו, הרב אביגדור נבנצל שליט"א ,מציון תצא תורה- הרב אביגדור נבנצל – עמ' תרמה, ] Regarding the fact, that you may also benefit form this was discussed in the Hebrew counterpart of this website by Rav Azarya Ariel and he wrote that it doesn’t matter that you benefit as well since they want to provide for you and they can’t afford it they are entitled to use this money for this purpose.. All the best
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