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The past is always prejudicially judged by the current standards of behavior and probity. Thus it is not only the future that is inscrutable; it is the past as well.
Define good and bad
When we come to do Teshuva we should define what is good and what is bad. First we set the goal and then we find the way to achieve it. -
Sadness is only a guest
Sadness has an important role in Teshuva, but it should be only guest of the soul and not a permanent tenant. -
Is Teshuva Artificial?
Does a one day of Teshuva have a meaning? Aren't the High Holidays artificial? -
Tasteful Wood
Why do trees don't have the taste of their fruit, what is the analogy to our lives and how is this related to Teshuva? -
Undoing The Past
The past is always prejudicially judged by the current standards of behavior and probity. Thus it is not only the future that is inscrutable; it is the past as well. We should therefore always be wary of our past. It will not go away.
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