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The past is always prejudicially judged by the current standards of behavior and probity. Thus it is not only the future that is inscrutable; it is the past as well.
Rav Kook's Orot HaT'shuva- In a Nutshell! Tshuva Can Be Happy- Not Depressing!
Innovatively but based upon the sources, Rav Kook entirely changes our view of T'shuva. The period of Elul until Yom Kippur is unfortunately, seen by most as depressing. Although we know T'shuva is important, we don't enjoy it & don't like changing. The mistake stems from the mistranslation: "Repentence" from "sin". Accordingly, Tshuva has terrible "PR", where the religious see it as something for the non-religious, and the non-religious say it's for the religious! Rav Kook says that the world is based on constant "Evolution" and improvement. Sports records are constantly improving, & toothpaste is always "new & improved!" Mankind and man improve thru "Trial & Error", & the most natural thing in the world is to follow the tide & improve! -
The Babysitter's Message
A young 14-year-old girl ends up saving the life of a seven-year-old child she was babysitting so many years later. -
The Side Door
An uplifting, true story about a jew who missed the "Kol Nidrei" but did not give up, and found the "side door". -
Fear of Sin - Punishment and Loftiness
A shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed regarding the correct fear of sins. -
Lights Of T'shuva
Not only in the month of Elul - A number of tools for progress in relations with God due to chapter 20 in Orot Hateshuva
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