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Our great teacher Moshe begins his final oration to the Jewish people in this week's Torah portion.
And His Land Will Atone for His People
burial in the land of Israel is equivalent to burial under the altar; The first to insist on burial in the Land of Israel was our forefather, Jacob; Anyone who lives in Eretz Israel, and dies there, is destined to inherit the world to come -
The Place of the Sanhedrin
The Sanhedrin - our Supreme Court; the Sanhedrin can only hear capital cases when it is seated in its Jerusalem venue; understanding this anomaly. -
Brothers From "One" Father
The "Mitsva" of "Lo Titgodedu"; Rashi's explanation to the "Mitsva"; Rambam's explanation to the "Mitsva"; Seforno's explanation to the "Mitsva"; The "Midrash" of chazal to this pasuk is connected to Seforno's understanding in the pasuk. -
More Mitzvot in Erets Yisrael
The special Mitsvot of Israel seem like a burden to some people; Rabeinu Chaim seems to agree with that statement; The Maharit's explanation. -
Mouth to Mouth (Spiritual) Resuscitation
how it is possible to speak simultaneously about Hashem causing hunger and feeding?; Ibn Ezra's explanation; The Tur's explanation;
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