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no creditUndoing The Past
The past is always prejudicially judged by the current standards of behavior and probity. Thus it is not only the future that is inscrutable; it is the past as well.
  • Fear of Elul
    Right now, faced with the prospect of having to turn my life and my emotions upside down, I go into a panic that results in total spiritual paralysis. Fear of Elul.
  • Our Generation's "Teshuva From Love"
    Why will this special Messianic generation, of all generations, be in such a sorry spiritual and material state? Logically when Israel improves its ways, they will be worthy of Redemption – so why will it actually be a period of spiritual crisis and other troubles?
  • National (vs. Individual) T'Shuva
    What "national t'shuva" is, how it differs from individual t'shuva, and why it takes precedence in this generation.
  • T'shuva - It's Not What You Think
    one of the elderly Russian women asked Rav Kook's mother, "Tell me, please: We're on our way to the Holy Land to meet our god, but why would you Jews be going there? Mrs. Kook answered without hesitation: "You're going to visit a dead god, but we're going to meet the living G-d."
  • The Teshuva of the Treasury Minister
    A short story and explanation of the power of Teshuva to transform sins into merits
  • Sin is Divisive Chaos While Tshuva is a Life of Uniting Harmony
    Rav Kook sees that the nature of Tshuva is among the most basic of ideas to understand life & the world. The sinner lives a life of self-centeredness, who inevitably will have difficulty finding love & lasting relationships, seeing the world as chaotic & pessimistic. Children eventually mature, learning to share & give. Kabbala refers to the pessimists who see our 3 dimensional world as Alma D'Piruda, "World of Division", rather than the believer in Unity & God, Who created a world of harmony. The Torah teaches how to find harmony in a complex world. One can see the violence in the animal world as chaotic, but if one steps back & views the entire picture he sees a harmonic orderly food-chain. All creation follows God's program, & man would be wise to choose so, as well, and "Join the Unity".
  • Why Ba'alei T'shuva Davka Shouldn't Become Anti-Zionists!
    There's a common scenario, where someone becomes a Ba'al Teshuva, strengthening himself religiously, & indirectly, davka becomes less Zionist! Rav Kook ironically deals with this issue way before it was common, as part of his overall & innovative understanding of Teshuva, in this classic letter to his student, R. Charlap. Explaining that the concept of Evolution is the basis of Creation, & that constant improvement is the most natural process for the individual & mankind. This central drive is what's behind most of Torah, life and goals. Zionism is the easiest way to see God today, thru how He runs processes of advancement in history, fulfills prophecies, returns Altruism and Nationalism to their proper place, reviving the "Or LaGoyim" etc.
  • Insights
    Shedding Light on "Teshuva"
    A Shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading "Nitzavim- Vayelech".
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